My First Post

PokéDexWelcome to the exciting world of Pokemon!

My Name is Epsilon I’m a Pokemon professor (sense there really isn’t a way to become an actual Pokemon professor   and the purpose of this site is to collect information on Pokemon… just call me Professor E)

I needed to have the information about Pokémon for the game, without having to go to multiple different sites or having to scroll through long texts about stuff I didn’t care about. This is basically for myself, but why should I hold all these pics to myself? That would be selfish! Haha selfish, yes thats the kind of things i think about and soon it will be in my normal blogs.

So far (By the time I would have been able to post this first comment) I have only put up Bulbasaur and have only been able to finish the Kanto PokeDex. (Thats even without the Hyperlinks)

I’m not going to hide where I’m getting any of my information, it’s all from other websites like Bulbapdia which I myself have used for the basic information on everything Pokémon possible, but I always get frustrated when I have to go back and forth, looking only for the things I believe are relevant to my actual gameplay. I don’t care about whew Bulbasaur shows up in the manga or what its footprint looks like, it’s not the information I need, in my mind its just getting in the way. I do have to say, all that random information, it does get fun when I’m bored and need something fun to read about and what better is there then my favorite subject.


Then there are sites like Serebii, it’s just not my cup of tea, great information and has helped me in a crunch time and time again but all that information spread out like it is, confuses me too much. I may be weird but it’s nice when the information I want is close together and neat. That’s why I have the basic information together in picture form, so it doesn’t get too spread out.

I wish that my Pictures are taken into consideration in the making of the actual game so if and when they make the next game, they put the valuable information I think all Pokémon Die hard fans like myself need and want so we wouldn’t have to go to these websites like the one I’m making.

These are the things I’m focusing on:

  • Type- Pokémon type as well as strength and weaknesses
  • Hatch time (incase I get frustrated on how many steps it takes)
  • Moves the Pokemon learns (until at least he or she evolves)
  • Base states (even though I don’t care about that)
  • What level it evolves at
  • Where it can be found (I didn’t have enough room in my Picture so it’s going to have to be in the text)
  • And anything else I can think of that may come in handy in the future (I’m going to play my Omega again to see what I need as I play before I say I’m finished)

So this is my plea… tell me what you need! What you want! What you can’t live without! Or something i can add just to make it better (not to mention any cool real world items you know of that other PokeManiacs would love. (like this Pokemon Clip ‘n’ Carry Poke Ball Belt which I did not just look up to prove a point… ok yes i did but still if it wasn’t 16 bucks i probably would have bought it myself)

So send your likes and dislikes on everything Pokemon and I’ll do my best to get as many Pokemon up a day as I can.

Until we chat again…

-Professor E-